Home Insurance Top Pet Insurance Companies in Europe and Their Insurance Quotes

Top Pet Insurance Companies in Europe and Their Insurance Quotes

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Pet ownership comes with its share of joys and responsibilities. Just like humans, pets can face unexpected health issues or accidents that require medical attention. Pet insurance offers peace of mind to pet owners by providing financial coverage for veterinary expenses. In Europe, several insurance companies offer pet insurance policies tailored to the needs of pet owners. In this article, we will explore the top pet insurance companies in Europe and delve into their insurance quotes.

List of Pet Insurance Companies in Europe

1. Petplan

Petplan is a leading pet insurance provider in Europe, offering comprehensive coverage for cats and dogs. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Petplan has earned a reputation for reliability and excellent customer service.

Insurance Quotes

  • Dog Insurance: Plans start at €15 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €50 per month for comprehensive coverage.
  • Cat Insurance: Plans start at €10 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €40 per month for comprehensive coverage.

2. Healthy Paws

Healthy Paws is another reputable pet insurance company known for its straightforward policies and fast claim processing. They offer customizable plans to suit the needs of different pet owners.

Insurance Quotes:

  • Dog Insurance: Plans start at €20 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €60 per month for comprehensive coverage.
  • Cat Insurance: Plans start at €15 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €50 per month for comprehensive coverage.

3. Agria Pet Insurance

Agria Pet Insurance is one of the oldest pet insurance providers in Europe, with a history dating back to the 19th century. They offer a range of policies designed to meet the unique needs of pet owners across Europe.

Insurance Quotes:

  • Dog Insurance: Plans start at €18 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €55 per month for comprehensive coverage.
  • Cat Insurance: Plans start at €12 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €45 per month for comprehensive coverage.

4. Petsecure

Petsecure is a well-established pet insurance company that has been serving pet owners in Europe for over 30 years. They offer flexible coverage options and competitive premiums.

Insurance Quotes:

  • Dog Insurance: Plans start at €17 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €50 per month for comprehensive coverage.
  • Cat Insurance: Plans start at €12 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €40 per month for comprehensive coverage.

5. AXA Pet Insurance

AXA is a global insurance provider that also offers pet insurance policies in Europe. Their pet insurance plans come with added benefits such as access to telemedicine services and behavioral therapy coverage.

Insurance Quotes:

  • Dog Insurance: Plans start at €22 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €65 per month for comprehensive coverage.
  • Cat Insurance: Plans start at €18 per month for basic coverage and can go up to €55 per month for comprehensive coverage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does pet insurance cover?

Pet insurance typically covers veterinary expenses related to accidents, illnesses, and sometimes routine care such as vaccinations and check-ups. The extent of coverage varies depending on the policy and provider.

Are pre-existing conditions covered by pet insurance?

Most pet insurance policies do not cover pre-existing conditions, which are health issues that existed before the policy was purchased. It’s essential to review the policy terms and conditions carefully to understand what is covered.

Can I choose my veterinarian with pet insurance?

Many pet insurance companies allow policyholders to choose their preferred veterinarian. However, some policies may have a network of approved veterinarians for discounted rates.

Are there any waiting periods with pet insurance?

Yes, most pet insurance policies have waiting periods before coverage begins. This prevents policyholders from making immediate claims for conditions that were present before purchasing the policy.

How are pet insurance premiums determined?

Pet insurance premiums are typically based on factors such as the pet’s age, breed, location, and the level of coverage chosen. Generally, younger pets and those without pre-existing conditions have lower premiums.


Pet insurance offers invaluable protection for pet owners, ensuring that their furry companions receive the care they need without financial strain. In Europe, several reputable insurance companies provide comprehensive pet insurance policies with varying coverage options and premiums. By comparing quotes and understanding policy terms, pet owners can find the best insurance plan to safeguard their beloved pets’ health and well-being.

Also Read: Top Pet Insurance Companies In The USA And Their Insurance Quotes

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